Round 1 Triple Crown AX, Abbotsford, BC | Photo Report
February 27, 2018
Photos by James Lissimore
The first round of the Rockstar Energy Triple Crown AX took place this past weekend in Abbotsford, BC. The west coast was hit with lots of snow and made for some pretty wet dirt that had been stored outside to use for the event. The track workers worked feverishly to pull together a venue as best they could but the dirt was just not cooperating. Everyone persevered and got through the night however some bikes may be a bit worse for wear though. I noticed most were followed by a trail of smoke. A tip of the hat to the folks who made the best of a not so ideal situation, both track workers and riders. This was the first of a 4-part arenacross series and after this we will head to Calgary, AB, Sarnia, ON and Barrie, ON. Here's a look at some of the FXR athletes who competed at Abbotsford.

#477 Joey Parkes and # 157 Wyatt Waddell getting ready to line up to do battle.

Jonah Brittons#35, Joey Parkes #477 and #157 Wyatt Waddell take to the gate.

Wyatt Waddell would take 8th place in the 250 Pro class.

With an injured Jess Pettis out of the mix for round one, the MX101 crew flew up their new recruit Marco Cannella to compete.

Cannella takes the checkers.

Cannella navigates through the slick, loose track at Abbotsford.

Cannella took the top spot for 250 Pro - Division 2 qualifier and had a chance to talk to Gauld on the podium.

Joey Parkes would take 9th place in 250 Pro.

The gear is clean...for now.

Sky Racing's Jonah Brittons ready to take the stage in qualifiers.

Brittons would take 7th in 250 Pro.

Keeping it on two wheels was the goal for the night.

Nova Scotia native, Davey Fraser ready to kick things off in Abbotsford.

Fraser went on to finish 11th in 450 Pro.

Davey rocking his pimped out electrical tape numbers.

Smoking bikes was a common sight for round one.

This arenacross thing is a piece of cake...ok, maybe this weekend we will say pudding. Tyler Gibbs is no stranger to the indoors and proved he's the guy to beat.

Tyler Gibbs would take 1st in AX Lites Intermediate and 1st in AX Open Intermediate.

Some riders travelled a long distance to make it to round one. This little guy came all the way from Ontario.

Nolan Booker would take 5th in 65cc (10-11) and 5th in 85cc (9-11).

You can bet the power washers got a good workout on Saturday night.

Another Ontario native, Tristan Dares would take 1st in 85cc (9-11) and 3rd in Supermini.

Dares is part of Team Holeshot who made the journey west.

Team Holeshot riders looking to make their mark on the new Triple Crown series.

Some last minute words of advice from dad.

Local rider Travis Gibbs is also no stranger to the indoors.

An impressive start for young Gibbs finishing 1st in 65cc (10-11) and2nd in 85cc (9-11).

Taking the big win in the 50cc Jr (4-6) class was Braxton Zeitner. | Cory Zeitner photo

Young Duncan, BC rider Jayden Debodt finished out the night with a 2nd in 50cc SR (7-9) and 6th in 65cc 7-9. | Ryan Debodt photo

See you guys in Calgary! | Cory Zeitner photo