Updates from Europe | Photo Report
Updates from Europe | Photo Report
September 19, 2019
by Gjermund Frostad
I believe this has been the best weekend of racing FXR has experienced in Europe to date. An Enduro GP win in the Czech Republic for our Australian rider Wil Ruprecht. He is still fighting back from his Epstein Barr virus but performed at his highest level on Saturday. Dennis Ullrich won the overall championship at the ADAC MX Master in Holzgerlingen, Germany. This is the most prestigious championship to win over here with riders from all over Europe participating. Swedish rider Filip Bengtsson won the MX1 championship in Tibro, Sweden. This was a big win for Bloms MX team and Husqvarna Scandinavia. Both Filip Bengtsson and Dennis Ullrich will now prepare for the MXoN in Assen in a weeks time. Bengtsson will represent Team Sweden and Ullrich will represent Team Germany.